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Rupi Kaur menstruation photography Instagram censorship
Rupi Kaur

Why Instagram censored this prototype of an artist on her period

Rupi Kaur's photograph exploring the taboo around menstruation was taken down by the platform not once, but twice

When Rupi Kaur decided to make the taboo around catamenia the theme of her university photography projection, she probably didn't expect to become ground aught in Instagram'southward latest censorship war.

The Canadian poet and creative person uploaded an paradigm from the visual series to the photo-sharing platform. It depicts her fully clothed with a spot of blood between her legs and on the sheets. Instagram removed information technology – twice – claiming that her photo violated their terms of service.

"I decided to cull menstruation [every bit the theme of my project] to endeavor and demystify the stigmas around information technology," Kaur told Dazed. "And so I developed the series with my sis, Prabh over a weekend. After it was created I decided to share it online, as a part of the project, to see how dissimilar medias would encompass/reject it."

While the picture got zero but honey on Tumblr, trolls swarmed her Instagram page, leaving comments like "come up over hither and let me make your vagina bleed" and "fuck your feminism". The picture was deleted by Instagram barely 24 hours after information technology went up.

"[Instagram] didn't give me any reason or nor did they contact me beforehand," Kaur explained. "I but went on my Instagram and i got a message that said it had been removed."

"I felt very upset because at this bespeak it wasn't merely a project for my school course anymore, it felt similar a personal attack on my humanity.  Merely I didn't complain to them directly. I posted the photo again because I wanted my audience to know what kind of censorship was happening here. And so I immediately posted again that aforementioned nighttime, and again it was removed the following morning."

Outraged, Kaur took to social media to telephone call out the censorship. She wrote on Facebook: "Thank yous Instagram for providing me with the exact response my piece of work was created to critique... I will not apologize for not feeding the ego and pride of misogynist society that will accept my torso in underwear but not be okay with a pocket-sized leak when your pages are filled with endless photos/accounts where women (and then many who are underage) are objectified, pornified and treated less than human."

Instagram all the same refused to explain why the image had been removed. But after Kaur's original postal service detailing the event was liked by 53,000 people and shared over 12,000 times, the company quickly changed its heed.

It apologised to Kaur, writing in a message: "A member of our team accidentally removed something you posted on Instagram. This was a mistake, and we sincerely apologise for this fault."

Kaur'due south original photo has at present been restored on Instagram, but it's worth remembering that acts of artistic censorship on Instagram probably happen all the time, out of the public center – and peculiarly if they involve women's bodies.

But the huge awareness-raising campaign tin merely mean good things for Kaur. She sent us her proposal for the academy project, indicating her ultimate aim for the prototype series: "By highlighting these distinct moments of the cycle that women go through I will be forcing viewers to await and tackle their fears head on.  They will exist forced to feel uncomfortable, in hopes that by the end of the visual experience they realize these are merely regular normal processes that tin can't exist helped, and they are just equally normal as any other bodily process."

Mission accomplished.

You tin view Kaur's full photo series and work on her website hither.