Funny Fat Girl Motorcycle Funny Fat Girl Motorcycle Movie Phillippine

The Losers (1970) Poster

9 /10

An excellent and exciting bikers go to 'Nam 70's trash exploitation classic

Warning: Spoilers

Rough and tumble hog-riding Hell'south Angels hellions Link (the almighty William Smith), Duke (the as awesome Adam Roarke), Muddied Denny (sometime real-life Green Beret Houston Roughshod), Speed (Gene Cournelius) and Limpy (a fine Paul Koslo) are recruited past the CIA to rescue an arrogant presidential adviser (expertly played to the hateful hilt by director Jack Starrett) from the vile clutches of the Cherry-red Chinese in Cambodia.

Directed with his customary rip-snorting panache by the extremely underrated and always dependable Starrett (whose other credits include the Jim Brown blaxploitation vehicle "Slaughter," the hugely enjoyable "Cleopatra Jones," and the Satan worship automobile chase knockout "Race With the Devil"), this bang-up gutsy and thrilling little pip works like gangbusters. The stride storms along at a steady, speedy prune. The performances from the pinnacle-rate bandage are all uniformly splendid (it's a real treat to see biker motion picture perennials Smith and Rourke on screen together, plus longtime favorite Filipino fatty guy thesp Vic Diaz has a funny supporting office as a friendly mechanic). The incredibly explosive activeness sequences are staged with considerable incendiary aplomb (the big climactic raid on an enemy prison camp is a definite highlight). Moreover, the bikers themselves aren't glamorized or sanitized in the least. These dingy dirtball dudes are pure bad news. They are a scruffy bunch of mangy nonconformist malcontents who are every bit probable to brawl with each other as well as anyone else who crosses their biting antagonistic path.

Better nonetheless, this remarkably bold flick fiercely ridicules America's interest in the Vietnam war, clearly stating that we hurt these people more than than helped them (the subplot near the Vietnamese prostitute with a mulatto baby is peculiarly poignant and provocative). The fact that this defiant movie was made while the Vietnam war was still going on makes it that much more pertinent and resonant. And the crushingly downbeat bummer ending is likewise very powerful with both its unflinchingly cynical anti-government opinion and unsparingly grim argument well-nigh the wasteful futility of war. In addition, this motion picture was also influential in that information technology established the bones let's-bring-the-boys-back-domicile premise which was later reused in such fourscore's action features as "Uncommon Valor," "Missing in Action," and "Rambo: First Blood, Office II." The Dark Sky DVD offers a beautiful widescreen presentation along with the post-obit tasty extras: ii radio spots, the theatrical trailer, a still and poster gallery, and, perhaps the single most savory bonus, a highly amiable, entertaining and informative commentary by stars Paul Koslo and William Smith.

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6 /10

William Smith is the Man

William Smith is my all time favorite B-Movie actor- a truly talented individual whose list of lifelong accomplishments is extraordinary. He single handedly made movies like "The Losers" watchable and even enjoyable if yous don't take them likewise seriously. The film centers around the U.S. Ground forces hiring a motorbike gang to rescue a presidential adviser being held captive in Cambodia. Smith plays gang leader Link Thomas, whose Army Sergeant brother sets up the mission. Most of the movie is spent focusing on events leading up to the mission with the gang partying, smoking, getting in fights and souping up their choppers every bit the rescue nears.

The acting is average, although a respectable cast (Adam Roarke, Paul Koslo & Bernie Hamilton) was assembled. There is too much time spent on dear interests which tends to bog down the pic, just the latter half specially is very entertaining equally the mission takes place. This is lxx'southward schlock through and through, only is a treat for William Smith fans, equally he gets top billing and the lions' share of screen fourth dimension.

No one will confuse this with anything Oscar worthy, simply and so what? A practiced way to numb your mind for an hour and a half.

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OK biker/war film.

In order to rescue a Presidential Advisor (in a Francis Ford Coppola costume) from a group of Chinese Communists in Cambodia, the authorities enlists a subdivision of Hell'due south Angels led by William Smith to intermission in at that place and go him out. The back of the box said this motion-picture show has more than activity than 'The Muddied Dozen' and 'The Wild Agglomeration' combined. To call that a vast overstatement would be a vast understatement. In reality, the film is a bunch of bikers having sexual activity, getting drunk, getting wasted, getting into lame fistfights, falling in love, waxing poetic and building stupid-looking motorcycles sandwiched between 2 decent action scenes with second charge per unit Enzo G. Castellari slow-motion (which would make it 4th rate Peckinpah). All in all, it'south actually non bad, but the climax should take been better because the time we have to wait in order to get to it. Have ear plugs set up when the title song comes upwards. It's a soft medley probably sung and written by some drugged out hippie chick that doesn't fit with the movie at all.

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ii /10

Dumb--even for a biker movie

Bated from "Werewolves on Wheels", "Nam'due south Angels" (aka "The Losers") is probably the dumbest biker film of its day. Now that's saying a lot, as there were MANY bad biker films and simply a few good ones. It'southward a very strange genre that many folks today simply won't understand...and frankly, I lived during that era and Even so don't understand!

This pic begins with a motorcycle gang (headed by William Smith) arriving in Vietnam during the war. They have been recruited to infiltrate territory where the Army isn't immune--and they'll go using their motorcycles! Think about it--cycles through the jungle! But, before they go along their stupid mission, the guys do what you'd look--get drunkard and brand it with local prostitutes. Overall, the picture is inexpensive, makes zero sense and is pretty dull. If yous love bad biker films, then this should be correct up your alley--otherwise, you could merely exercise better looking elsewhere.

By the way, 'Vietnam' in this film is actually the Philippines--a place where tons of horrible American-produced movies were made in the tardily 60s and early 70s.

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8 /10

If yous want to see "real"stunts and "existent"special furnishings!!Sentinel this moving-picture show!! If you want a CGI cartoon watch Avatar!!

Man,I hate to read how some people hate the skillful classics.When in that location's all this commercialized,politically right & sensitive "stuff" that some Hollywood loving"whoose"would call expert entertainment.A fiddling note for the people that are united nations-enlightened about "Hollywood movies"and how they claim to make the best movies in the earth.They spend more on advertisements for the movie than they would on the budget for the product of the flick.They are always afraid to adventure on new ideas and very talented writers and directors that think for themselves and don't worry about the box function "mumbo-jumbo"or the "bratty"youth demographic.The Losers is a real dandy motion picture,that is the real matter when it comes to "existent" stunts and "real" activeness."Real" existence the key word when talking nearly this picture show.I as a viewer capeesh stuntmen going to take chances their careers and lives for the sake of art,amusement or just a pay cheque.Good PEOPLE!!The only thing I hate about this moving-picture show is that"beloved song"..Homo,that's a weird song to put in that movie!!The movie holds up for many reasons.One,there was a horrible remake of The Losers last twelvemonth.2,The Expendables is practically the aforementioned pic!Except,for the 5 million dollor cast!Which should've only been worth $200,000 for the whole "over-rated"cast and probably the whole computerized crew.Iii,The Losers is better movie than all that I've seen from this era.How can you hate a movie that has real fights in the movie and backside the scenes?

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two /10


Deplorable to admit, I know, but I paid good coin to see this drivel in first release in1970.......released as a double feature with GOD FORGIVES I DON'T or another drivel, THE LOSERS as it was known in Sydney Australia saw the arclight in the glorious 2500 seat Capitol theatre, now the restored habitation to Disney extravaganzas like The King of beasts King. When I was there, this biker vs the Vietcong epic did quite good biz for 2 weeks and let us run into, for the first time, a man drinking beer get hit in the guts and vomit on slow movement! This was a highlight too. The residuum of this castrophe was how the US Govt got bikers to chase gooks and blow them upward. 90 mins afterwards we all stampeded to the lobby to the popcorn stand up and also went to the toilet. Then we all rushed back into the picture palace for some other dose of claptrap. Awful. Remake? probably.

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The CIA sends a motorcycle gang into Cambodia to rescue a presidential adviser.

When the president's master adviser is captured by enemy forces in Cambodia, the CIA, in it's infinite wisdom, recruits members of the Hell's Angels in gild to pull him out. Can we say 'expendable'? Bated from being criminally grotesque and sinfully stupid, these pig-jockeys spend virtually of their fourth dimension trying to become organized and cease upward kicking the snot out of each other. And on top of that, they won't consummate their mission without a bitchin' gainsay-gear up chopper between their legs. That oughta come in handy in the jungle. Exist sure non to miss the scene where a spindly member of the gang offers his fat biker buddy an ammends brewski, then hammers him in the gut with everything he's got, leading into a tedious-motion exploding spit-up which I'm certain yous'll want to savor every single frame of.

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7 /10


Fun genre-splicer where biker gang is enlisted by Usa army to rescue a VIP American captive behind enemy lines, with all the action and phony red paint phase blood they used to utilise in the seventy'south to go with information technology, Some pretty lousy acting to some pretty lousy dialogue, just not all. Big plus for me was the American's interaction with the Vietnamese locals as they try to go about conducting the business organisation of daily life in a war zone, particularly the lovely ladies, many of whom dancing in bra and panties in a "nightclub" (brothel). Cheesy honey theme reprised over terminal massacre is the perfect unhappy ending.

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Complex b-motion-picture show....

While watching History channels "Gangland" a program dedicated to show the origins of various crime syndicates, I got the feeling that most outlaw biker gangs were created in the aftermath of Vetnam.

Bandidos, Mongol Nation, Warlocks, are just few the many notorious biker gangs that was founded past Vietnam vets. In instance of Bandidios, their leader was former marine who supposedly used the marine corps as rolemodel when it came to structure, concatenation of command.

This biker picture is apparently inspired by an offer Hells Angels leader Sonny Barger made to President Johnson. Barger offered some of his men to be used as an guerrilla force behind enemy lines in Vietnam.

Johnson turned him downwards and thus Hollywood took over the idea.

Basically this film is about some very hateful, fierce, outlaw biker gang who are deployed in Vietnam in rescue mission of an American diplomat.

But as it turns out, is not going to be easy...

To exist honest this just your average B-movie biker film, simply it does have a few surprises upward its sleeve.

The director is conspicuously inspired by Sam Peckinpahs films, when it comes to the violence(often shot in slowmotion) but the likewise the main protagonists being antiheroes.

Fifty-fifty 1 of this films taglines is inspired by the The Wild Bunch (1969):It's The "Dingy Agglomeration" On Wheels! At that place are as well heavy criticisms against USA and its foreign policy, the way U.s.a. military handles the Vietnam war. Another bailiwick this picture touches upon is the racial tension that exist in the U.s.a. army.

It is unusual to meet that kind of material in a cheaply made b-movie and makes this film a bit more interesting and so the residue.

William Smith playing Link Thomas is very disarming here and plays the gangs leader very practiced.

Vic Diaz, who always been a favorite of mine, plays some other one of those sleazy characters that he was so expert at.

And then if you lot similar bikerflicks but want something a little different from the average and so see this even though it is cheaply made b-flick its still more interesting then Twilight(2008).

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1 /ten

Mindless Crap

A truly mindless, incoherent piece of trash, NAM'S ANGELS or THE LOSERS sucks under any name.

Five embarrassingly stereotypical American biker dudes are hired to rescue a CIA man from a Chinese prison camp during the Vietnam State of war. Of course the program doesn't get entirely smoothly as the chumps hire prostitutes, become boozer and mostly help the enemy by not only losing the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese, but ripping them out of their chests and stomping on them in laughter. Eventually they get their acts together and ride into the army camp on armored bikes equipped with front-end machine guns. Such weaponry might be cool in a less horrid picture.

The premise of THE LOSERS (the actual on-screen title when I saw it) had the potential for some dizzy b-pic fun, but the moving-picture show tries to be something it isn't -- legitimate cinema -- and it falls apart earlier ever forms. In that location have been worse films, but non by much. Even that violence-obsessed boy who grew up the street from you volition be shaking his head.

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Halfbaked mix of Nam and Bikerflicks

I similar when directors attempt to mix genres like "Chopper Chicks In Zombie Town", "Blade Runner", "Rock'n'Roll Wrestling Women Vs. The Aztec Mummy" etc. Yous don't always get the best results but at least it'south interesting. In "The Losers/Nam's Angels" B-pic veteran William Smith leads a bikergang against the Viet Cong. Fun idea only the film spends too fourth dimension with the bikers' love affairs, bar fights etc. In the end the gang gets their s**t together with their special built warbikes (no Harleys!). It'southward also late to salvage the movie but Tarantino must've been impressed since he used some scenes in "Pulp Fiction"! Nice try but meet "Satan'due south Sadists" or "Apocalypse Now" instead.

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A pretty deadening affair

The biker flick was a staple of American exploitation cinema in the late 1960's, culminating in the "generation defining" studio funded classic, Easy Rider (1969). What we have here is somewhat of a genre brew upwardly, placing a bunch of Californian bikers in the midst of an "exotic" war zone. Five gang members, led past Link (William Smith), are employed past the CIA, sent into the heart of darkness in Vietnam, to rescue a captured agent, Chet Davis (played here by director Jack Starrett - who nearly will recognise equally the vicious police officeholder, Galt, from Outset Blood (1982)).

The starting time 60 minutes of the film is spent with the gang as they integrate into a modest village, basically brawling, f*****g, drinking and fomenting relationships with the all-besides-like shooting fish in a barrel ladies. It is a completely ludicrous premise; OK so perhaps this gang of low-life'due south were more expendable than the troops beingness sent out daily, but information technology is hard to believe. That beingness said, this is exploitation movie house at its nigh ridiculous.

The action accelerates in the final reel, every bit the bikers infiltrate a campsite, their bikes armed to the teeth, but the action is repetitive, and with lilliputian merit: Bikes jump, huts blow up. Besides this though, some of the characters are likable plenty, with their dialogue of clichéd, counter-cultural hyperbole, merely it doesn't really save a pretty tedious affair - perhaps the trailer was exciting, so perhaps yous should simply see that. Like all exploitation films of the time that were prepare in exotic climates, this was of course filmed in the Philippines (where filming is cheap!).

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iv /ten

William Smith, Badass

Warning: Spoilers

Okay, outset of all, become loaded before watching this film. A 40 oz. of King Cobra or St. Ides is a expert get-go. Being inebriated greatly enhances your enjoyment of this flick. It was plainly filmed in the Philippines with Filipino folk playing Vietnamese and Cambodians. William Smith's hair gets progressively lighter until during the concluding sequence, he is blond. The other four guys who portray Hells Angel types are pretty pathetic. Limpy looks like a skinny, sleazy lxx's porn star. Then at that place's the guy with a shocking greenish rag across his forehead with a swastika on information technology. I don't think macho biker types would wear chartreuse, but he never takes information technology off. And so there'southward the flabby guy with the huge love handles who fights all the time with his shirt off. And then at that place's the guy with no muscle tone and killer blue eyes who is the farthest thing from a biker type. We get to run into a few topless Filipino women and that'due south squeamish. The final attack on the enemy campsite with choppers modified with shields and auto guns is classic. I think they knocked down and blew up the same belfry three times. Anyway, William Smith is the but legit biker type and he carries the moving-picture show. Fun movie, only make sure you have enough of malt liquor on hand to aid maintain your viewing pleasance.

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6 /ten

The Losers!

Warning: Spoilers

Also known as 'Nam Angels, this Jack Starrett-directed pic (he also made Run, Angel, Run!; Race with the Devil and Hollywood Human, among others) has a great loftier concept: a biker gang called The Devil's Advocates are sent to Kingdom of cambodia to rescue an American diplomat considering they're the only ones who can become the job done.

They're led by Vietnam vet - and the brother of the Army Major who has recruited them - Link Thomas, who is played past the e'er dependable William Smith. They're under the orders of Helm Johnson (Bernie Hamilton, who was Captain Harold Dobey on Starsky and Hutch) and include swain vets Duke (Adam Roarke from Dirty Mary Crazy Larry and Frogs) and Dirty Denny, as well as Limpy (Paul Koslo, Vanishing Indicate) and Speed (Eugene Cornelius, who was Space in Run, Angel, Run!).

They head to Vietnam, simply come up on, we all know it'southward the Philippines, because the mechanic who works on their bikes, Diem-Nuc, is played by Vic Diaz. Information technology doesn't matter, considering by the time you showtime trying to figure out locations*, our heroes are doing wheelies and blowing things up with rocket launchers and machine guns while they do wheelies.

This movie does have some footing in reality. Sonny Barger, who was the Maximum Leader of the Hells Angels, sent LBJ a telegram offering the skills of his club in the Vietnam War. That inspired Alan Caillou, who originally wrote that The Losers would alive. Starrett and Smith rewrote the script to the ending nosotros know now.

If you watch Pulp Fiction, y'all can encounter a scene from this pic, being watched by Butch's girlfriend the day later his fight. When he asks what she was watching, she says, "A motorcycle film, I'm not sure the name."

*They're reused from Too Belatedly the Hero.

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3 /10

Difficult to Recommend to Everyone

This motion picture substantially begins with five bikers from an outlaw motorcycle gang called "The Devil's Advocates" arriving in Southward Vietnam on a special mission to ride into Cambodia to rescue a CIA agent named "Chet Davis" (Jack Starrett) who is being held as a prisoner by Chinese communists in a heavily fortified campsite behind enemy lines. Naturally, since their Harley choppers aren't suitable for the rugged terrain they are issued Yamaha dirt bikes which they modify by adding armor and weaponry. But equally tough equally they may be they have no idea what awaits them beyond the border. Now rather than reveal any more than I volition but say that I didn't have high expectations for this movie and in that regard I wasn't also disappointed as both the plot and the activeness scenes were just plain ridiculous. As a affair of fact, about the only thing this film had going for it was the addition of ii pretty actresses past the names of Anakorita (as "Kim Sue") and Lillian Margarejo ("Suriya") but even then their roles were much likewise limited to brand a departure. All things considered then I notice information technology very difficult to recommend this moving-picture show to anybody and I take rated information technology accordingly. Beneath average.

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6 /10

1 moving-picture show that'due south may'be lost it'southward way

When I start saw this movie, I turned off after a while, really finding it a bore. 14 years subsequently, I gave information technology another day in court. I watched it to the terminate. This is an unremarkable movie, about a group of expendable bikies, you feel sorry for, every bit they are so pathetic. They're sent in to Asia to rescue a thankless CIA guy, who shouts abuse at them, later on most of these poor sods are already expressionless. where leader, Smith is really the final human being standing. This really chafed only for a moment, cause this movie really lacks any kind of interest. We do explosions and gun burn down but once again I just found it pointless. One bikie, having some R and R with some nude hotties, not post-obit procedure, explains himself to ane of the guys in charge of this operation, which I found funny. He brags on how he used to own this cat house, and had to pick up some money that was attributable to him. At the mentioning of his bike being flogged, past a kid ,he's out of at that place in a flash. The scenes in this cat house were the only ones I liked in this forgettable motion-picture show, part of the Roadshow Vibrant Video collection.

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1 /ten

This is is the worst ever made

I really thought there were a couple of other movies which were truly avoidable and unsaleable and this moving picture is the 1 that tops the list. i purchased a DVD of this film thinking it to exist one of the bang-up war movies kinda stuff specially on the Vietnam topic but my adventure lasted just 15 min i bet anyone can concluding long the movie.the impress originally is so dull as if the film is made in the 20's .the cast is uncomment-able it'due south a completely useless topic hiring the gangsters or the outlaws to do a task.completely this guys if you e'er meet this movie you have simply won an award because it needs patience in information technology. this is truly the worst movie e'er made..

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